Adding Fedora 9 DVD as repository

Adding a Fedora 9 DVD as a yum repository is extremely easy in Fedora 9.

For slow internet connections, using yum could be pain, as most of the software can be installed from the DVD itself. But yum resolves dependencies from the net. Adding a Fedora 9 DVD as a repository is like a boon to such users.

Follow the steps using a root user

  1. Pop in your Fedora 9 DVD, It should be automatically mounted on /media/Fedora 9 i386 DVD/ folder
  2. Create a new file fedora-dvd.repo in /etc/yum.repos.d/ folder.
  3. Put the following contents in the file

    name=Fedora 9 DVD
  4. Disable fedora.repo and fedora-updates.repo, by assigning the parameter enabled=0.
  5. Run the command yum repolist
    You should be able to see fedora-dvd as enabled.

Thats should be it. You are free to install packages from the DVD directly.

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