Redis, Memcached, Tokyo Tyrant and MySQL comparision (rectification skip-name-resolve)

My previous post Redis, Memcache, Tokyp Tyrant, MySQL comparison had a flaw as pointed out by this comment. The MySQL was taking a huge time for doing a reverse DNS lookup.

I turned on the skip-name-resolve parameter in the my.cnf and the Throughput of MySQL grew considerably, almost more than double.

Here are the new results.

MyISAM vs InnoDB

Nothing much has changed in the above test. Except for the fact InnoDB starts leading the way when there are high number of concurrent Inserts/Updates or Writes on the table. As seen from the “Set” graph InnoDB starts closing for MyISAM’s write efficiency around 30 concurrent requests and then by 60 concurrent requests its already ahead in throughput of writes – 1284/s against 825/s. Further I had put a watch on processlist and was watching the processess, there were times during MyISAM when the inserts took over 6seconds to finish, which also means that if you are in a need of an application which requires quicker response during heavy loads / heavy concurrency… You need to check the MyISAM vs. InnoDB scenario really closely. At low concurrency MyISAM is well ahead in writes, and in Reads, both MyISAM and InnoDB perform equally well.

Again you need to make sure that you check ur test conditions really well before just taking InnoDB for granted.

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